As It Happens News

As It Happens

Year 2 Hair-Raising Science!

Year 2 Hair-Raising Science!

Year 2's latest science investigation asked the children to use a balloon and the hair on their heads to make tissue paper move without touching it.  First they carefully watched Alison carry out the experiment in silence. Then, in groups they investigated different...

Our Little Monsters and Witches Today!

Our Little Monsters and Witches Today!

Today, we decided to celebrate Halloween early and combine it with celebrating the end of this half term and a fabulous start to the year - all things considered. Also, in case children can't go out trick or treating next week, we wanted to do our best to make their...

Year One – Super Smellers!

Year One – Super Smellers!

On Friday the Year One’s took part in a Smell Investigation. They have been learning about the senses in Science as part of their ‘Humans’ topic and had to guess the 6 different things that were inside the cups. The children loved testing out their sense of smell,...
