Year 1 News

Year 1

Year One – Super Smellers!

Year One – Super Smellers!

On Friday the Year One’s took part in a Smell Investigation. They have been learning about the senses in Science as part of their ‘Humans’ topic and had to guess the 6 different things that were inside the cups. The children loved testing out their sense of smell,...

Year One’s Outdoor Activities this Week

Year One’s Outdoor Activities this Week

The children in Year One spoke about the natural habitats of animals such as squirrels, foxes, badgers and owls whilst crafting with pine cones. They learnt about their diet and wondered how fast they could run or fly, comparing them with other animals. They also...

Year One’s Feline Mystery Guest

Year One’s Feline Mystery Guest

After the drama in September, when Year One had an unwelcome visit from pirates, they returned to their class only to find that they had another unexpected guest who had made an awful mess of their classroom. The Year One children gathered clues, made lists and used...
