Year 3 News

Year 3

Year 3’s New Gratitude Journals

Year 3’s New Gratitude Journals

Here is some of Year 3 completing their gratitude journals in a working space of their choice. These books are going to be extremely useful to really see how lockdown may have affected our children by giving them the opportunity to reflect on their feelings.

Year 3 Weekly Roundup

Year 3 Weekly Roundup

This week Year 3 have been looking at features of Instruction Texts and learning about imperative (bossy) verbs. The children followed instructions to make a pirate hat. In Maths we have been learning about Fractions. The children have been understanding how to find ...

Winter Toy Appeal Update

Winter Toy Appeal Update

We are very proud of the work Ben, his friends and our school have put into the Winter Toy Appeal, attracting the attention of media studies students who filmed a piece about Ben and the appeal (video below). Together, we made over £1,400 - which means new toys for...

Year 3 Weekly Roundup

Year 3 Weekly Roundup

Another busy week in Year Three where, in Maths we have been using inverse operations to solve mental subtraction problems, and in English we have been writing dialogue between Charlie and Grandpa Joe (from Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), and using...

Year 3’s Chocolate Making Workshop

Year 3’s Chocolate Making Workshop

Today at the chocolate workshop Katy showed us a PowerPoint all about  how chocolate is made. Then we got to make chocolate and it was REALLY fun. Before we made chocolate we tasted cocoa powder and it was DISGUSTING. Katy explained it wasn’t chocolate yet and we had...

Year 3 Weekly Round-up

Year 3 Weekly Round-up

Year Three have been busy creating Golden Tickets to invite people to the Chocolate Factory. They wrote detailed descriptions about what to expect during the factory tour. We wonder who the lucky finders will be....?! Years 2 & 3 took part in a Personal Best...
