Teaching and Learning

Rosemary Works School is a non-selective school, where all pupils are regarded as individuals, whose learning journeys will start and end in different places. We have high aspirations for our pupils, and our children make good or excellent progress. Our individualised analysis of assessment data allows us to plan for every single child to ensure that they achieve their potential. Each child has a bespoke Learning Plan, devised by their teacher and supported by the Subject Leads, which details the resources and methods that will best suit their personal approach to learning.

We place great importance on the development of the children’s non-cognitive skills, such as motivation, resilience, persistence, and understanding the value of making mistakes. This way the children can develop their independence, self-discipline, self respect and respect for others, in a secure environment where getting things wrong is not a failure, but a part of the process of learning.

We use innovative approaches to teaching, such as Democratic Time in which the children mix across year groups to collaborate on project work, and Time Management lessons in which the children learn to take responsibility for organising the tasks they must undertake to reach their learning objective, within a given period of time.

Our pupils benefit from a high ratio of staff to pupils, including a team of experienced and well-developed classroom support staff. The children make use of a range of ICT equipment including laptops, iPads, interactive smart boards and projectors. We allow our teachers to follow the interests of their class where they provide valuable learning opportunities, and we trust our teachers’ professional judgement to allow them to have a significant input into their class curriculum.

In addition to our classroom teachers we have a number of peripatetic staff and specialists teaching Music, Spanish, Forest School and Meditation, among other subjects.
