Key Stage 2
Key Stage 2 defines the programme of education for the children from the time they leave infant school at seven years old until they join secondary school at 11. Most of the children move up from Rosemary Works Key Stage One, and some join us at 7+ from other schools. Our loving, nurturing ethos continues from the Early Years into Key Stage 2.
As our children approach the Upper School, they will have a real sense of confidence and self-worth. They begin to feel that they can take on the world with a can-do approach and a will-do attitude. Lessons are skills-based in the morning and more creative in the afternoon.
We continue to deliver our topic-based curriculum in Key Stage Two, and this is augmented with our forward-thinking Global Studies and Enterprise curricula, both designed to develop our pupils’ awareness of the modern world in context, and to develop key skills that will equip them to embrace the opportunities and challenges that life will hold for them.
We tailor our approach to recognise the children’s developing independence, and we seek to grow in our children a sense of responsibility for planning their own work, their actions and their futures. All children are introduced to verbal and non-verbal reasoning, not just those who go on to take entry examinations for independent or grammar schools.
In the classroom the children begin to make more and more use of different media to enrich their learning and presentations, and they begin to prepare themselves academically, emotionally, and socially for their secondary education. We support children and parents in deciding which secondary school is right for you. We meet at key moments as the children move up through the school to discuss the type of school that would best suit them, and to ensure that both pupils and parents are supported through the journey. As ever, we work with parents to ensure the best outcome for each child.
From the age of eight, our pupils will go on annual residential adventure trips, building up from a one night overnight stay to a full school week adventure when they reach Year 6. Here, they develop their resilience, and work on team-building and problem solving skills, at the same time as having an incredible amount of fun.
What is Key Stage 2
The school curriculum is divided into separate Key Stages, to reflect the age and development of each class. The government has designed the National Curriculum, which set out what children learn at each Key Stage. Key Stage 2 consists of Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6.
Click here to find out about National Curriculum Key Stage 1 and 2.
Click here to see White Rose Maths.