Pre-school Nursery Class

Nursery Class takes children from age three. The children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) programme, and our emphasis is on learning through play.

Families seeking to place infants aged from 0 – 2 should contact our Early Years partner Rosemary Works Early Years Centre (EYC) for admissions. Children attending the EYC move on into our pre-school nursery class, and our EYFS staff teams work together to ensure a seamless transition from nursery to pre-school. Click here to arrange a tour of the EYC and register your child.

Each child is assigned a Key Carer who is responsible for ensuring that all of their needs are met, and is the main point of contact with their key child’s parents. This provides consistency and security for the children.

The children have access to a wide range of resources and equipment, both indoors and outdoors. Nursery Class have constant access to our Early Years playground which is designed specifically for the younger children, with fixed climbing equipment to support physical development, and also an array of play equipment such as bikes, toys, books, arts and crafts and play equipment. We have a garden and mud kitchen with a good supply of waterproofs and wellies, so that Nursery Class can have messy outdoor fun all year round.

Indoors, the children can make use of the school library, and they make regular use of the hall where they can spread out when their Music and Movement specialist is teaching, or keep active in the wet weather when their soft play equipment is set up.

Further afield, as well as weekly Forest School sessions off-site, and swimming at the Britannia Leisure Centre, our Nursery Class go off on frequent trips, from local nature rambles along the canal, to visits to London Zoo or the many other great venues that London has to offer.

Nursery Class are prepared well for their next step to primary school by means of school assemblies, shows and events, which provide familiarity with school routines, and allow them to spend time with older children. Academically, the children’s introduction to English and Maths, means that they are prepared to move onto the Key Stage One Curriculum after they have joined Reception Class.

We use Ten Town resources for mathematics, and parents are kept informed about children’s development by via the Tapestry app.

What is the Early Years Foundation Stage framework?

The EYFS framework is a set of standards designed to ensure that children aged 0 – 5 learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It provides an important foundation for children’s progress into primary school, and in life.

The framework sets out to address how children learn as well as what they learn, and allows opportunities for children to learn through play, through the guidance and example of their carers, and through their relationships with each other.

What are the 7 Areas of Learning and Development?

There are seven areas of learning and development design to support learning, relationship building, to ignite curiosity and enthusiasm, and to develop respect for ourselves and for others.
• Communication and language
• Physical development
• Personal, social and emotional development
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Understanding the world
• Expressive arts and design

Parents can find information on the EYFS at Birth to 5 Matters, produced by the Early Years Coalition here

The EYFS framework can be found here

Ten Town can be found here

Tapestry can be found here

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) here
